Naropanth Sumanth-W00108
2005-07-12 17:08:46 UTC
I am new user to the ID-FF 1.2 Java Toolkit 2.0. I am trying to get the CastlePeak demo running on my standalone host, but am running into problems.
Firstly, I see that the User's guide in the SourceID website (and the Readme in the package) does not match with the online help at : <> .
I tried the steps pointed out in the above URL. However, there are a few inconsistencies:
1. The package doesn't have a "". I assume we are talking about "" file here.
2. If I copy the changed "" file from CastlePeak directory to infrastructure directory, building the package later on using 'ant' fails, throwing several exceptions. I changed the path to JBoss separately in the original "" files in 'infrastructure' and 'demo' directories.
3. I am using JBoss v4.0.2, the latest stable version. This does not have a "servlet-api.jar" file in the ${jboss.server.dir}\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar directory. So, I do not copy any file to the 'lib' directory.
I followed the rest of the steps just as mentioned in the URL. I am able to get the SP and IdP login pages. However, when I try to login at either site, the following exception is thrown in my browser:
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute
I also tried running the demo using the older 3.2.4 JBoss, but without much success.
Am I missing something? It'd be very helpful if I could get some points on how I can get the demo running. I am using a Windows XP machine, with jdk1.5.0.
I am new user to the ID-FF 1.2 Java Toolkit 2.0. I am trying to get the CastlePeak demo running on my standalone host, but am running into problems.
Firstly, I see that the User's guide in the SourceID website (and the Readme in the package) does not match with the online help at : <> .
I tried the steps pointed out in the above URL. However, there are a few inconsistencies:
1. The package doesn't have a "". I assume we are talking about "" file here.
2. If I copy the changed "" file from CastlePeak directory to infrastructure directory, building the package later on using 'ant' fails, throwing several exceptions. I changed the path to JBoss separately in the original "" files in 'infrastructure' and 'demo' directories.
3. I am using JBoss v4.0.2, the latest stable version. This does not have a "servlet-api.jar" file in the ${jboss.server.dir}\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar directory. So, I do not copy any file to the 'lib' directory.
I followed the rest of the steps just as mentioned in the URL. I am able to get the SP and IdP login pages. However, when I try to login at either site, the following exception is thrown in my browser:
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute
I also tried running the demo using the older 3.2.4 JBoss, but without much success.
Am I missing something? It'd be very helpful if I could get some points on how I can get the demo running. I am using a Windows XP machine, with jdk1.5.0.